Mindful Moments for Stressful Day
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We read a book about meditation, stress reduction, or mindfulness. Then we get cut off in traffic, return home to find that our spouse has left the dishes in the sink again, or learn that the check we wrote to the electric company has bounced. What we need is a way to keep our inner balance through the trials of daily life.
MINDFUL MOMENTS is a collection of tips and exercises focusing on simple ways to make mundane tasks meaningful – from standing in line at the grocery store to house cleaning to sitting through meetings at work. Go through the day assuming that everyone you meet has something to teach you. Turn stressful tasks like paying bills and managing your accounts into opportunities to focus your mind on thoughts of prosperity and plenty. The approaches to creating a harmonious, conscious life vary from simple breathing exercises and meditation techniques to information on aromatherapy, feng shui, and yoga postures. Tips on conscious cooking and eating explore how nutrition affects your state of mind.
Author: Tzivia Gover
Condition: Used Book — very good
ISBN: 1904292348